Referendum Contract



rpc CreateOrganization (CreateOrganizationInput) returns (aelf.Address){}

message CreateOrganizationInput {
    string token_symbol = 1;
    acs3.ProposalReleaseThreshold proposal_release_threshold = 2;
    acs3.ProposerWhiteList proposer_white_list = 3;

message OrganizationCreated{
    option (aelf.is_event) = true;
    aelf.Address organization_address = 1;

Creates an organization and returns its address.

  • CreateOrganizationInput
    • token symbol: the token used during proposal operations.
    • proposal release threshold: the threshold for releasing the proposal.
    • proposer white list: proposer whitelist.
  • ProposalReleaseThreshold
    • minimal approval threshold: the value for the minimum approval threshold.
    • maximal rejection threshold: the value for the maximal rejection threshold.
    • maximal abstention threshold: the value for the maximal abstention threshold.
    • minimal vote threshold: the value for the minimal vote threshold.
  • ProposerWhiteList
    • proposers: address of the proposers.
  • Returns
    • Address: newly created organization address.
  • Events
    • OrganizationCreated
      • organization address: the address of newly created organization.


rpc CreateOrganizationBySystemContract(CreateOrganizationBySystemContractInput) returns (aelf.Address){}

message CreateOrganizationBySystemContractInput {
    CreateOrganizationInput organization_creation_input = 1;
    string organization_address_feedback_method = 2;

message CreateOrganizationInput {
    string token_symbol = 1;
    acs3.ProposalReleaseThreshold proposal_release_threshold = 2;
    acs3.ProposerWhiteList proposer_white_list = 3;

message OrganizationCreated{
    option (aelf.is_event) = true;
    aelf.Address organization_address = 1;

Creates an organization by system contract and returns its address. Event OrganizationCreated will be fired.

  • CreateOrganizationBySystemContractInput
    • CreateOrganizationInput: the parameters of creating a organization.
    • organization address feedback method: organization address callback method which replies the organization address to caller contract.

note: for CreateOrganizationInput see CreateOrganization

  • Returns
    • Address: newly created organization address.
  • Events
    • OrganizationCreated
      • organization address: the address of newly created organization


rpc ReclaimVoteToken (aelf.Hash) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

Used to unlock the tokens that where used for voting.

  • Hash: proposal id.

ACS3 specific methods


rpc CreateProposal (CreateProposalInput) returns (aelf.Hash){}

message CreateProposalInput {
    string contract_method_name = 1;
    aelf.Address to_address = 2;
    bytes params = 3;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp expired_time = 4;
    aelf.Address organization_address = 5;
    string proposal_description_url = 6,
    aelf.Hash token = 7;

message ProposalCreated{
    option (aelf.is_event) = true;
    aelf.Hash proposal_id = 1;

This method creates a proposal for which organization members can vote. When the proposal is released, a transaction will be sent to the specified contract.

  • CreateProposalInput
    • contract method name: the name of the method to call after release.
    • to address: the address of the contract to call after release.
    • expiration: the timestamp at which this proposal will expire.
    • organization address: the address of the organization.
    • proposal_description_url: the url is used for proposal describing.
    • token: the token is for proposal id generation and with this token, proposal id can be calculated before proposing.
  • Returs
    • Hash: id of the newly created proposal.
  • Events
    • ProposalCreated
      • proposal_id: id of the created proposal.


rpc Approve (aelf.Hash) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message ReferendumReceiptCreated {
    option (aelf.is_event) = true;
    aelf.Hash proposal_id = 1;
    aelf.Address address = 2;
    string symbol = 3;
    int64 amount = 4;
    string receipt_type = 5;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 6;

This method is called to approve the specified proposal. The amount of token allowance to the proposal virtual address would be locked for voting.

  • Hash: id of the proposal.
  • Events
    • ReferendumReceiptCreated
      • proposal id: id of the proposal.
      • address: voter address.
      • token symbol symbol of token locked.
      • token amount amount of token locked.
      • receipt type: Approve.
      • time: timestamp of this method call.


rpc Reject(aelf.Hash) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message ReferendumReceiptCreated {
    option (aelf.is_event) = true;
    aelf.Hash proposal_id = 1;
    aelf.Address address = 2;
    string symbol = 3;
    int64 amount = 4;
    string receipt_type = 5;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 6;

This method is called to reject the specified proposal. The amount of token allowance to the proposal virtual address would be locked for voting.

  • Hash: id of the proposal.
  • Events
    • ReferendumReceiptCreated

note: for ReferendumReceiptCreated see Approve


rpc Abstain(aelf.Hash) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message ReferendumReceiptCreated {
    option (aelf.is_event) = true;
    aelf.Hash proposal_id = 1;
    aelf.Address address = 2;
    string symbol = 3;
    int64 amount = 4;
    string receipt_type = 5;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 6;

This method is called to abstain from the specified proposal. The amount of token allowance to the proposal virtual address would be locked for voting.

  • Hash: id of the proposal.
  • Events
    • ReferendumReceiptCreated

note: for ReferendumReceiptCreated see Approve


    rpc Release(aelf.Hash) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

This method is called to release the specified proposal.

-Hash: id of the proposal.

  • Events
    • ProposalReleased
      • proposal id: id of the proposal.


rpc ChangeOrganizationThreshold(ProposalReleaseThreshold) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message ProposalReleaseThreshold {
    int64 minimal_approval_threshold = 1;
    int64 maximal_rejection_threshold = 2;
    int64 maximal_abstention_threshold = 3;
    int64 minimal_vote_threshold = 4;

message OrganizationThresholdChanged{
    option (aelf.is_event) = true;
    aelf.Address organization_address = 1;
    ProposalReleaseThreshold proposer_release_threshold = 2;

This method changes the thresholds associated with proposals. All fields will be overwritten by the input value and this will affect all current proposals of the organization. Note: only the organization can execute this through a proposal.

note: for ProposalReleaseThreshold see CreateOrganization

  • Events
    • OrganizationThresholdChanged
      • organization_address: the organization address.
      • proposer_release_threshold: the new release threshold.


rpc ChangeOrganizationProposerWhiteList(ProposerWhiteList) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { }

message ProposerWhiteList {
    repeated aelf.Address proposers = 1;

message OrganizationWhiteListChanged{
    option (aelf.is_event) = true;
    aelf.Address organization_address = 1;
    ProposerWhiteList proposer_white_list = 2;

This method overrides the list of whitelisted proposers.

  • ProposerWhiteList
    • proposers: the new value for the proposer whitelist.
  • Events
    • OrganizationWhiteListChanged
      • organization_address: the organization address.
      • proposer_white_list: the new proposer whitelist.


rpc CreateProposalBySystemContract(CreateProposalBySystemContractInput) returns (aelf.Hash){}

message CreateProposalBySystemContractInput {
    acs3.CreateProposalInput proposal_input = 1;
    aelf.Address origin_proposer = 2;

message ProposalCreated{
    option (aelf.is_event) = true;
    aelf.Hash proposal_id = 1;

Used by system contracts to create proposals.

  • CreateProposalBySystemContractInput
    • CreateProposalInput: the parameters of creating a proposal.
    • origin proposer: the actor that trigger the call.

note: for CreateProposalInput see CreateProposal

  • Returns
    • Address: newly created organization address.
  • Events
    • ProposalCreated
      • proposal_id: id of the created proposal.


rpc ClearProposal(aelf.Hash) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

Removes the specified proposal.

  • Hash: id of the proposal to be cleared.


rpc ValidateOrganizationExist(aelf.Address) returns (google.protobuf.BoolValue) { }

Checks the existence of an organization.

  • Address: organization address to be checked.
  • Returns
    • BoolValue: indicates whether the organization exists.

View methods


rpc GetOrganization (aelf.Address) returns (Organization) { }

message Organization {
    acs3.ProposalReleaseThreshold proposal_release_threshold = 1;
    string token_symbol = 2;
    aelf.Address organization_address = 3;
    aelf.Hash organization_hash = 4;
    acs3.ProposerWhiteList proposer_white_list = 5;

Returns the organization with the provided organization address.

  • Address: organization address.
  • Returns
    • ProposalReleaseThreshold: the proposal releash threshold.
    • token: token used for proposal operations.
    • organization address: organization address.
    • organization hash: organization id.
    • ProposerWhiteList: proposals in whitelist.

note: for ProposalReleaseThreshold and ProposerWhiteList see CreateOrganization


rpc CalculateOrganizationAddress(CreateOrganizationInput) returns (aelf.Address){}

message CreateOrganizationInput {
    string token_symbol = 1;
    acs3.ProposalReleaseThreshold proposal_release_threshold = 2;
    acs3.ProposerWhiteList proposer_white_list = 3;

Calculates with input and returns the organization address.

note: for CreateOrganizationInput see CreateOrganization

  • Returns
    • Address: organization address.


rpc GetProposalVirtualAddress(aelf.Hash) returns (aelf.Address){}

Get virtual address for the proposal.

  • Hash: id of the proposal.
  • Returns
    • Address: the virtual address for proposal.


rpc GetProposal(aelf.Hash) returns (ProposalOutput) { }

message ProposalOutput {
    aelf.Hash proposal_id = 1;
    string contract_method_name = 2;
    aelf.Address to_address = 3;
    bytes params = 4;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp expired_time = 5;
    aelf.Address organization_address = 6;
    aelf.Address proposer = 7;
    bool to_be_released = 8;
    int64 approval_count = 9;
    int64 rejection_count = 10;
    int64 abstention_count = 11;

Gets the proposal with the given id.

  • Hash: proposal id.
  • Returns
    • proposal id: id of the proposal.
    • method name: the method that this proposal will call when being released.
    • to address: the address of the target contract.
    • params: the parameters of the release transaction.
    • expiration: the date at which this proposal will expire.
    • organization address: address of this proposals organization.
    • proposer: address of the proposer of this proposal.
    • to be release: indicates if this proposal is releasable.
    • approval count: locked token amount for approval.
    • rejection count: locked token amount for rejection.
    • abstention count: locked token amount for abstention.


rpc ValidateProposerInWhiteList(ValidateProposerInWhiteListInput) returns (google.protobuf.BoolValue){}

message ValidateProposerInWhiteListInput {
    aelf.Address proposer = 1;
    aelf.Address organization_address = 2;

Checks if the proposer is whitelisted.

  • ValidateProposerInWhiteListInput
    • proposer: the address to search/check.
    • organization address: address of the organization.
  • Returns
    • BoolValue: indicates whether the proposer is whitelisted.