Genesis Contract

This page describes available methods on the Genesis Contract.



rpc DeploySystemSmartContract (SystemContractDeploymentInput) returns (aelf.Address){}

message SystemContractDeploymentInput
    message SystemTransactionMethodCall
        string method_name = 1;
        bytes params = 2;
    message SystemTransactionMethodCallList
        repeated SystemTransactionMethodCall value = 1;
    sint32 category = 1;
    bytes code = 2;
    aelf.Hash name = 3;
    SystemTransactionMethodCallList transaction_method_call_list = 4;

Deploys a system smart contract on chain.

  • SystemContractDeploymentInput
    • category: contract type.
    • code: byte array of system contract code.
    • name: name hash of system contract.
    • transaction_method_call_list: list of methods called by system transaction.
  • Returns
    • value: address of the deployed contract.


rpc ProposeNewContract (ContractDeploymentInput) returns (aelf.Hash){}

message ContractDeploymentInput {
    sint32 category = 1;
    bytes code = 2;

Propose new contract deployment.

  • ContractDeploymentInput
    • category: contract type (usually 0 for now)
    • code: byte array that represents the contract code
  • Returns
    • value:: Hash of the ContractDeploymentInput object.


rpc ProposeUpdateContract (ContractUpdateInput) returns (aelf.Hash){}

message ContractUpdateInput {
    aelf.Address address = 1;
    bytes code = 2;

Creates a proposal to update the specified contract.

  • ContractUpdateInput
    • address: address of the contract to be updated
    • code: byte array of the contract’s new code
  • Returns
    • value: Hash of the ContractUpdateInput object.


rpc ProposeContractCodeCheck (ContractCodeCheckInput) returns (aelf.Hash) {}

message ContractCodeCheckInput{
    bytes contract_input = 1;
    bool is_contract_deployment = 2;
    string code_check_release_method = 3;
    aelf.Hash proposed_contract_input_hash = 4;
    sint32 category = 5;

Propose to check the code of a contract.

  • ContractCodeCheckInput
    • contract_input: byte array of the contract code to be checked
    • is_contract_deployment: whether the input contract is to be deployed or updated
    • code_check_release_method: method to call after code check complete (DeploySmartContract or UpdateSmartContract)
    • proposed_contract_input_hash: id of the proposed contract
    • category: contract category (always 0 for now)
  • Returns
    • value: Hash of the proposed contract.


rpc ReleaseApprovedContract (ReleaseContractInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message ReleaseContractInput {
    aelf.Hash proposal_id = 1;
    aelf.Hash proposed_contract_input_hash = 2;

Releases a contract proposal which has been approved.

  • ReleaseContractInput
    • proposal_id: hash of the proposal.
    • proposed_contract_input_hash: id of the proposed contract


rpc ReleaseCodeCheckedContract (ReleaseContractInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message ReleaseContractInput {
    aelf.Hash proposal_id = 1;
    aelf.Hash proposed_contract_input_hash = 2;

Release the proposal which has passed the code check.

  • ReleaseContractInput
    • proposal_id: hash of the proposal
    • proposed_contract_input_hash: id of the proposed contract


rpc DeploySmartContract (ContractDeploymentInput) returns (aelf.Address){}

message ContractDeploymentInput {
    sint32 category = 1;
    bytes code = 2;

Deploys a smart contract on chain.

  • ContractDeploymentInput
    • category: contract type (usually 0)
    • code: byte array of the contract code
  • Returns
    • value: address of the deployed smart contract.


rpc UpdateSmartContract (ContractUpdateInput) returns (aelf.Address){}

message ContractUpdateInput {
    aelf.Address address = 1;
    bytes code = 2;

Updates a smart contract on chain.

  • ContractUpdateInput
    • address: address of the smart contract to be updated
    • code: byte array of the updated contract code
  • Returns
    • value: address of the updated smart contract.


rpc Initialize (InitializeInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message InitializeInput{
    bool contract_deployment_authority_required = 1;

Initializes the genesis contract.

  • InitializeInput
    • contract_deployment_authority_required: whether contract deployment/update requires authority.


rpc ChangeGenesisOwner (aelf.Address) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

Change the owner of the genesis contract.

  • Address: address of new genesis owner


rpc SetContractProposerRequiredState (google.protobuf.BoolValue) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

Set authority of contract deployment.

  • google.protobuf.BoolValue: whether contract deployment/update requires contract proposer authority


rpc ChangeContractDeploymentController (acs1.AuthorityInfo) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message AuthorityInfo {
    aelf.Address contract_address = 1;
    aelf.Address owner_address = 2;

Modify the contract deployment controller authority. Note: Only old controller has permission to do this.

  • AuthorityInfo: new controller authority info containing organization address and contract address that the organization belongings to


rpc ChangeCodeCheckController (acs1.AuthorityInfo) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

message AuthorityInfo {
    aelf.Address contract_address = 1;
    aelf.Address owner_address = 2;

Modifies the contract code check controller authority. Note: Only old controller has permission to do this.

  • AuthorityInfo: new controller authority info containing organization address and contract address that the organization belongings to


rpc SetInitialControllerAddress (aelf.Address) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}

Sets initial controller address for CodeCheckController and ContractDeploymentController

  • Address: initial controller (which should be parliament organization as default)


rpc GetContractDeploymentController (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (acs1.AuthorityInfo) {
        option (aelf.is_view) = true;
message AuthorityInfo {
    aelf.Address contract_address = 1;
    aelf.Address owner_address = 2;

Returns ContractDeploymentController authority info.

  • Returns: ContractDeploymentController authority info.


rpc GetCodeCheckController (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (acs1.AuthorityInfo) {
        option (aelf.is_view) = true;
message AuthorityInfo {
    aelf.Address contract_address = 1;
    aelf.Address owner_address = 2;

Returns CodeCheckController authority info.

  • Returns: CodeCheckController authority info.

Views methods


rpc CurrentContractSerialNumber (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.UInt64Value){}

Gets the current serial number of genesis contract (corresponds to the serial number that will be given to the next deployed contract).

  • Returns
    • value: serial number of the genesis contract.


rpc GetContractInfo (aelf.Address) returns (ContractInfo){}

message ContractInfo {
    uint64 serial_number = 1;
    aelf.Address author = 2;
    int32 category = 3;
    aelf.Hash code_hash = 4;
    bool is_system_contract = 5;
    int32 version = 6;

Gets detailed information about the specified contract.

  • Address: address the contract

Returns A ContractInfo object that represents detailed information about the specified contract.


rpc GetContractAuthor (aelf.Address) returns (aelf.Address){}

Get author of the specified contract.

  • Address: address of specified contract
  • Returns
    • value: author of the specified contract.


rpc GetContractHash (aelf.Address) returns (aelf.Hash){}

Gets the code hash of the contract at the specified address.

  • Address: address of a contract
  • Returns
    • value: the code hash of the contract.


rpc GetContractAddressByName (aelf.Hash) returns (aelf.Address){}

Gets the address of a system contract by its name.

  • Hash: name hash of the contract
  • Returns
    • value: Address of the specified contract.


rpc GetSmartContractRegistrationByAddress (aelf.Address) returns (aelf.SmartContractRegistration){}

message SmartContractRegistration {
    int32 category = 1;
    bytes code = 2;
    Hash code_hash = 3;
    bool is_system_contract = 4;
    int32 version = 5;

Gets the registration of a smart contract by its address.

  • Address - address of a smart contract
  • Returns
    • value: Registration object of the smart contract.


rpc GetSmartContractRegistrationByCodeHash (aelf.Hash) returns (aelf.SmartContractRegistration){}

message SmartContractRegistration {
    int32 category = 1;
    bytes code = 2;
    Hash code_hash = 3;
    bool is_system_contract = 4;
    int32 version = 5;

Gets the registration of a smart contract by code hash.

  • Hash - contract code hash
  • Returns
    • value: registration object of the smart contract.


rpc ValidateSystemContractAddress(ValidateSystemContractAddressInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message ValidateSystemContractAddressInput {
    aelf.Hash system_contract_hash_name = 1;
    aelf.Address address = 2;

Validates whether the input system contract exists.

  • ValidateSystemContractAddressInput
    • Hash - name hash of the contract
    • Address - address of the contract