Configuration Contract

This contract’s controller(the default is parliament) is able to save data(configuration) on the block chain.



rpc SetConfiguration (SetConfigurationInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message SetConfigurationInput {
    string key = 1;
    bytes value = 2;

This method is used to add or reset configurations.

  • SetConfigurationInput
    • key: the configuration’s key.
    • value: the configuration’s value(bianry data).


rpc ChangeConfigurationController (acs1.AuthorityInfo) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message AuthorityInfo {
    aelf.Address contract_address = 1;
    aelf.Address owner_address = 2;

The controller can be transfer to others.

  • AuthorityInfo
    • contract address: new controller’s contract address.
    • owner address: new controller’s address.

Acs1 specific methods

For reference, you can find here the methods implementing acs1.


rpc SetMethodFee (MethodFees) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message MethodFees {
    string method_name = 1;
    repeated MethodFee fees = 2;

message MethodFee {
    string symbol = 1;
    int64 basic_fee = 2;

It sets method fee.

  • MethodFees
    • omethod name: the method name in this contract.
    • fees: fee list.
  • MethodFee:
    • symbol: token symbol.
    • basic fee: fee.


rpc ChangeMethodFeeController (AuthorityInfo) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message AuthorityInfo {
    aelf.Address contract_address = 1;
    aelf.Address owner_address = 2;

Change the method fee controller, the default is Parliament.

note: for AuthorityInfo see ChangeConfigurationController


rpc GetMethodFee (google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (MethodFees){}

message MethodFees {
    string method_name = 1;
    repeated MethodFee fees = 2;

This mehtod is used to query the method fee information.

note: for MethodFees see SetMethodFee


rpc GetMethodFeeController (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (acs1.AuthorityInfo){}

message AuthorityInfo {
    aelf.Address contract_address = 1;
    aelf.Address owner_address = 2;

This mehtod is used to query the method fee information.

note: for AuthorityInfo see ChangeMethodFeeController

View methods

For reference, you can find here the available view methods.


rpc GetConfiguration (google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (google.protobuf.BytesValue){}

message StringValue {
  string value = 1;

message BytesValue {
  bytes value = 1;

This method is used to query a configurations.

  • StringValue
    • value: the configuration’s key.
  • Returns
    • value: the configuration’s data(bianry).


This method is used to query the controller information.

rpc GetConfigurationController (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (acs1.AuthorityInfo){}

message AuthorityInfo {
    aelf.Address contract_address = 1;
    aelf.Address owner_address = 2;
  • Returns
    • contract address: new controller’s contract address.
    • owner address: new controller’s address.