ACS3 - Contract Proposal Standard

Using the AuthorityInfo defined in authority_info.proto restricts a method to be called by a certain address:

Assert(Context.Sender == State.AuthorityInfo.Value.OwnerAddress, "No permission.");

When a method needs to be agreed by multiple parties, the above solution is obviously inadequate. At this time, you can consider using some of the interfaces provided by ACS3.


If you want multiple addresses vote to get agreement to do something, you can implement the following methods defined in ACS3:

  • CreateProposal, it is to specify a method for a contract and its parameters. When the proposal is approved by multiple addresses, it can be released: use a virtual address as a Sender, and execute this method by sending an inline transaction. Therefore, the parameter CreateProposalInput defines the basic information of the inline transaction to be executed finally. The return value is a hash, which is used to uniquely identify this proposal;
  • Approve, Reject, Abstain, the parameters are Hash, called the proposal Id, created by CreateProposal, is used to agree, reject, and abstain respectively .
  • Release, the parameter is the proposal Id, is used to release the proposal: when the requirements are met, it can be released;
  • ClearProposal is used to clean invalid data in DB.

It can be seen that before a proposal is released, the account with voting rights can agree, object, and abstain. Which specific accounts have the right to vote? ACS3 introduces the concept of Organization. A proposal is attached to an organization from its creation, and only members of the organization can vote.

However, due to the different forms of organization, the Organization structure needs to be defined by the contract implementing the ACS3. Here is an example:

message Organization {
    acs3.ProposalReleaseThreshold proposal_release_threshold = 1;
    string token_symbol = 2;
    aelf.Address organization_address = 3;
    aelf.Hash organization_hash = 4;
    acs3.ProposerWhiteList proposer_white_list = 5;

Because each organization has a default virtual address, adding the code like the begining at this document can verify if the sender is authorized.

Assert(Context.Sender == someOrganization.OrganizationAddress, "No permission.");

How to know what an orgnanization has agreed on a proposal? ACS3 defines a data structure ProposalReleaseThreshold:

message ProposalReleaseThreshold {
    int64 minimal_approval_threshold = 1;
    int64 maximal_rejection_threshold = 2;
    int64 maximal_abstention_threshold = 3;
    int64 minimal_vote_threshold = 4;

The orgnaization determines how to deal with the proposal according to the data:

  • the minimal approval the proposal can be released.
  • The most rejection amount the proposal can tolerate.
  • The most abstention amount the proposal can tolerate.
  • the minimal vote amount the proposal is valid.

Interfaces referencing organization in ACS3:

  • ChangeOrganizationThreshold,its paramenter is ProposalReleaseThreshold that is used to modify the threshold. Of course, this method also needs permission control;
  • ChangeOrganizationProposerWhiteList, The organization can restrict which addresses can create proposals. Its parameter is ProposerWhiteList, defined in acs3.proto, which is actually an Address list;
  • CreateProposalBySystemContract, The original intention is that the system contract can create a proposal via the virtual address, that is, there are some senders have privileges, and must be a contract:

The type of APIs mentioned above is action, there are some APIs with type View used to query:

  • GetProposal is used to get the proposal detailed information.
  • ValidateOrganizationExist is used to check if the organization exists in a contract.
  • ValidateProposerInWhiteList is used to check if the address is in the whitelist of a organization.


It is assumed here that there is only one organization in a contract, that is, there is no need to specifically define the Organization type. Since the organization is not explicitly declared and created, the organization’s proposal whitelist does not exist. The process here is that the voter must use a certain token to vote.

For simplicity, only the core methods CreateProposal, Approve, Reject, Abstain, and Release are implemented here.

There are only two necessary State attributes:

public MappedState<Hash, ProposalInfo> Proposals { get; set; }
public SingletonState<ProposalReleaseThreshold> ProposalReleaseThreshold { get; set; }

The Proposals stores all proposal’s information, and the ProposalReleaseThreshold is used to save the requirements that the contract needs to meet to release the proposal.

When the contract is initialized, the proposal release requirements should be set:

public override Empty Initialize(Empty input)
    State.TokenContract.Value =
    State.ProposalReleaseThreshold.Value = new ProposalReleaseThreshold
        MinimalApprovalThreshold = 1,
        MinimalVoteThreshold = 1
    return new Empty();

The requirement is at least one member who vote and at least one approval. Create proposal:

public override Hash CreateProposal(CreateProposalInput input)
    var proposalId = Context.GenerateId(Context.Self, input.Token);
    Assert(State.Proposals[proposalId] == null, "Proposal with same token already exists.");
    State.Proposals[proposalId] = new ProposalInfo
        ProposalId = proposalId,
        Proposer = Context.Sender,
        ContractMethodName = input.ContractMethodName,
        Params = input.Params,
        ExpiredTime = input.ExpiredTime,
        ToAddress = input.ToAddress,
        ProposalDescriptionUrl = input.ProposalDescriptionUrl
    return proposalId;


public override Empty Abstain(Hash input)
    var proposal = State.Proposals[input];
    if (proposal == null)
        throw new AssertionException("Proposal not found.");
    State.Proposals[input] = proposal;
    return new Empty();
public override Empty Approve(Hash input)
    var proposal = State.Proposals[input];
    if (proposal == null)
        throw new AssertionException("Proposal not found.");
    State.Proposals[input] = proposal;
    return new Empty();
public override Empty Reject(Hash input)
    var proposal = State.Proposals[input];
    if (proposal == null)
        throw new AssertionException("Proposal not found.");
    State.Proposals[input] = proposal;
    return new Empty();
private void Charge()
    State.TokenContract.TransferFrom.Send(new TransferFromInput
        From = Context.Sender,
        To = Context.Self,
        Symbol = Context.Variables.NativeSymbol,
        Amount = 1_00000000

Release is just count the vote, here is a recommended implementation:

public override Empty Release(Hash input)
    var proposal = State.Proposals[input];
    if (proposal == null)
        throw new AssertionException("Proposal not found.");
    Assert(IsReleaseThresholdReached(proposal), "Didn't reach release threshold.");
    Context.SendInline(proposal.ToAddress, proposal.ContractMethodName, proposal.Params);
    return new Empty();
private bool IsReleaseThresholdReached(ProposalInfo proposal)
    var isRejected = IsProposalRejected(proposal);
    if (isRejected)
        return false;
    var isAbstained = IsProposalAbstained(proposal);
    return !isAbstained && CheckEnoughVoteAndApprovals(proposal);
private bool IsProposalRejected(ProposalInfo proposal)
    var rejectionMemberCount = proposal.Rejections.Count;
    return rejectionMemberCount > State.ProposalReleaseThreshold.Value.MaximalRejectionThreshold;
private bool IsProposalAbstained(ProposalInfo proposal)
    var abstentionMemberCount = proposal.Abstentions.Count;
    return abstentionMemberCount > State.ProposalReleaseThreshold.Value.MaximalAbstentionThreshold;
private bool CheckEnoughVoteAndApprovals(ProposalInfo proposal)
    var approvedMemberCount = proposal.Approvals.Count;
    var isApprovalEnough =
        approvedMemberCount >= State.ProposalReleaseThreshold.Value.MinimalApprovalThreshold;
    if (!isApprovalEnough)
        return false;
    var isVoteThresholdReached =
        proposal.Abstentions.Concat(proposal.Approvals).Concat(proposal.Rejections).Count() >=
    return isVoteThresholdReached;


Before testing, two methods were added to the contract, that had just implemented ACS3. We will test the proposal with these mehods.

Define a singleton string in the State file:

public StringState Slogan { get; set; }

Then implement a pair of Set/Get methods:

public override StringValue GetSlogan(Empty input)
    return State.Slogan.Value == null ? new StringValue() : new StringValue {Value = State.Slogan.Value};
public override Empty SetSlogan(StringValue input)
    Assert(Context.Sender == Context.Self, "No permission.");
    State.Slogan.Value = input.Value;
    return new Empty();

In this way, during the test, create a proposal for the SetSlogan. After passing and releasing, use the GetSlogan method to check whether the Slogan has been modified.

Prepare a Stub that implements the ACS3 contract:

var keyPair = SampleECKeyPairs.KeyPairs[0];
var acs3DemoContractStub =
    GetTester<ACS3DemoContractContainer.ACS3DemoContractStub>(DAppContractAddress, keyPair);

Since approval requires the contract to charge users, the user should send Approve transaction of the Token contract.

var tokenContractStub =
        GetAddress(TokenSmartContractAddressNameProvider.StringName), keyPair);
await tokenContractStub.Approve.SendAsync(new ApproveInput
    Spender = DAppContractAddress,
    Symbol = "ELF",
    Amount = long.MaxValue

Create a proposal, the target method is SetSlogan, here we want to change the Slogan to “AElf” :

var proposalId = (await acs3DemoContractStub.CreateProposal.SendAsync(new CreateProposalInput
    ContractMethodName = nameof(acs3DemoContractStub.SetSlogan),
    ToAddress = DAppContractAddress,
    ExpiredTime = TimestampHelper.GetUtcNow().AddHours(1),
    Params = new StringValue {Value = "AElf"}.ToByteString(),
    Token = HashHelper.ComputeFrom("AElf")

Make sure that the Slogan is still an empty string at this time and then vote:

// Check slogan
    var slogan = await acs3DemoContractStub.GetSlogan.CallAsync(new Empty());
await acs3DemoContractStub.Approve.SendAsync(proposalId);

Release proposal, and the Slogan becomes “AElf”.

await acs3DemoContractStub.Release.SendAsync(proposalId);
// Check slogan
    var slogan = await acs3DemoContractStub.GetSlogan.CallAsync(new Empty());