
Transactions ultimately are what will change the state of the blockchain by calling methods on smart contracts. A transaction is either sent to the node via RPC or received from the network. When broadcasting a transaction and if valid it will be eventually included in a block. When this block is received and executed by the node, it will potential change the state of contracts.

Smart Contract

In AElf blockchain, smart contracts contains a set of state definitions and a set of methods which aiming at modifing these states.

Action & View

In AElf blockchain, there are two types of smart contract methods, actions and views. Action methods will actually modify the state of one contract if a related transaction has included in a block and executed successfully. View methods cannot modify the state of this contract in any case.

Developers can claim a action method in proto file like this:

rpc Vote (VoteInput) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {

And claim a view method like this:

rpc GetVotingResult (GetVotingResultInput) returns (VotingResult) {
    option (aelf.is_view) = true;

Transaction Instance

Here’s the defination of the Transaction.

option csharp_namespace = "AElf.Types";

message Transaction {
    Address from = 1;
    Address to = 2;
    int64 ref_block_number = 3;
    bytes ref_block_prefix = 4;
    string method_name = 5;
    bytes params = 6;
    bytes signature = 10000;

In the js sdk theres multiple methods to work with transactions. One important method is the getTransaction method that will build a transaction object for you:

import Aelf from 'aelf-sdk';
var rawTxn = proto.getTransaction('65dDNxzcd35jESiidFXN5JV8Z7pCwaFnepuYQToNefSgqk9''65dDNxzcd35jESiidFXN5JV8Z7pCwaFnepuYQToNefSgqk9', 'SomeMethod', encodedParams);

This will build the transaction to the contract at address “65dDNxzcd35jESiidFXN5JV8Z7pCwaFnepuYQToNefSgqk9” that will call SomeMethod with encoded params.


The address of the sender of a transaction.

Note that the From is not currently useful because we derive it from the signature.


The address of the contract when calling a contract.


The name of a method in the smart contract at the To address.


The parameters to pass to the aforementioned method.


When signing a transaction it’s actually a subset of the fields: from/to and the target method as well as the parameter that were given. It also contains the reference block number and prefix.

You can use the js-sdk to sign the transaction with the following method:

import Aelf from 'aelf-sdk';
var txn = Aelf.wallet.signTransaction(rawTxn, wallet.keyPair);

RefBlockNumber & RefBlockPrefix

These are security measures, to know when the transaction broadcasted and whether this transaction has expired.

Transaction Id

The unique identity of a transaction.

Note that if the sender broadcasted several transaction with same parameters at the same time, the Transaction Id of these transactions will be the same, thus these transactions will be regarded as one transaction but broadcasted several times.

Transaction Execution
