Running a side chain (after its release)

This tutorial will explain how to run a side chain node after it has been approved by the producers and released by the creator. After the creation of the side chain, the producers need to run a side chain node.

A side chain node is usually very similar to a main-chain node because both are based on AElf software and have common modules. The main difference is the configuration which varies depending on if the node is a side chain or not.

Note: this tutorial assumes the following:

  • you already have a main-chain node running.

  • the creation of the side chain has already been approved and released.

It’s also important to know that the key-pair (account) used for mining on the side chain must be the same as the one you use for on the main-chain node. Said in another way both production nodes need to be launched with the same key-pair.

Note: for more information about the side chain creation, refer to the document in the request-side-chain section.

Side chain configuration

Two configuration files must be placed in the configuration folder of the side chain, this is also the folder from which you will launch the node:

  • appsettings.json

  • appsettings.SideChain.MainNet.json

After the release of the side chain creation request, the ChainId of the new side chain will be accessible in the SideChainCreatedEvent logged by the transaction that released.

In this example, we will set up the side chain node with tDVV (1866392 converted to base58) as it’s chain id, connecting to Redis’ db2. The web API port is 1235. Don’t forget to change the account, password and initial miner.

If at the time of launching the side chain the P2P addresses of the other peers is known, they should be added to the bootnodes in the configuration of the side chain.

In appsettings.json change the following configuration sections:

  "NetType": "MainNet",
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "BlockchainDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=2",
    "StateDb": "redis://localhost:6379?db=2"
  "Account": {
    "NodeAccount": "YOUR PRODUCER ACCOUNT",
    "NodeAccountPassword": "YOUR PRODUCER PASSWORD"
  "Kestrel": {
    "EndPoints": {
        "Http": {
            "Url": "http://*:1235/"
  "Consensus": {
    "MiningInterval": 4000,
    "StartTimestamp": 0

In appsettings.SideChain.MainNet.json change the following configuration sections:

  "CrossChain": {
    "Grpc": {
      "ParentChainServerPort": 5010,
      "ListeningPort": 5000,
      "ParentChainServerIp": ""
    "ParentChainId": "AELF",

Change ParentChainServerIp and ParentChainServerPort depending on the listening address of your mainchain node.

Launch the side chain node

Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where you created the configuration for the side chain.

dotnet ../AElf.Launcher.dll

You can try out a few commands from another terminal to check if everything is fine, for example:

aelf-command get-blk-height -e