Requesting the creation of a side chain

Side chains can be created in the AELF ecosystem to enable scalability. This part is going to introduce these periods in detail.

Side chain creation api

Anyone can request the side chain creation in the AELF ecosystem. The proposer/creator of a new side chain will need to request the creation of the side chain through the cross-chain contract on the main-chain. The request contains different fields that will determine the type of side chain that will be created.

This section show the API to use in order to propose the creation of a side chain. The fields that are in the SideChainCreationRequest will determine the type of side chain that is created. For more api details, you can follow the RequestSideChainCreation in Crosschain contract.

A new proposal about the side chain creation would be created and the event ProposalCreated containing proposal id would be fired. A parliament organization which is specified since the chain launched is going to approve this proposal in 24 hours(refer to Parliament contract for detail). Proposer is able to release the side chain creation request with proposal id once the proposal can be released. Refer ReleaseSideChainCreation in Crosschain contract.

New side chain would be created and the event SideChainCreatedEvent containing chain id would be fired.

Side chain node can be launched since it is already created on main chain. Side chain id from the creation result should be configured correctly before launching the side chain node. Please make sure cross chain communication context is correctly set, because side chain node is going to request main chain node for chain initialization data. For more details, check side chain node running tutorial.

Side chain types

Two types of side-chain’s currently exist: exclusive or shared. An exclusive side-chain is a type of dedicated side-chain (as opposed to shared) that allows developers to choose the transaction fee model and set the transaction fee price. The creator has exclusive use of this side-chain. For example, only creator of this exclusive side-chain can propose to deploy a new contract.

Pay for Side chain

Indexing fee

Indexing fee, literally, is paid for the side chain indexing. You can specify the indexing fee price and prepayments amount when you request side chain creation. Cross chain contract is going to charge your prepayments once the side chain created and pay the miner who indexes the side chain block every time.

Resource fee

Developers of an exclusive side-chain pay the producers for running it by paying CPU, RAM, DISK, NET resource tokens: this model is called charge-by-time. The amount side chain creator must share with the producers is set after creation of the chain. The exclusive side-chain is priced according to the time used. The unit price of the fee is determined through negotiation between the production node and the developer.

See Economic whitepaper - 4.3 Sidechain Developer Charging Model for more information.

Simple demo for side chain creation request

When a user (usually a developer) feels the need to create a new side chain on AElf he must call the cross-chain contract and request a side chain creation. After requested, parliament organization members will either approve this creation or reject it. If the request is approved, the developer must then release the proposal.

Throughout this tutorial we’ll give step-by-step code snippets that use the aelf-js-sdk to create a new side chain, the full script will be given at the end of the tutorial.

This creation of a side chain (logical, on-chain creation) is done in four steps:

  • the developer must allow/approve some tokens to the cross-chain contract of the main chain.

  • the developer calls the cross-chain contract of the main chain, to request the creation.

  • the parliament organization members must approve this request.

  • finally the developer must release the request to finalize the creation.

Keep in mind that this is just the logical on-chain creation of the side chain. After the side chain is released there’s extra steps needed for it to be a fully functional blockchain, including the producers running the side chain’s nodes.


If you want to test the creation process you will need a producer node running and the following:

  • you need a key-pair (account) created, this will be your Producer (in this tutorial we also use the producer to create the creation request).

  • the node needs to be configured with an API endpoint, account and miner list that correspond to what is in the script.

The following snippet shows constants and initialization code used in the script:

const AElf = require('aelf-sdk');
const Wallet = AElf.wallet;

const { sha256 } = AElf.utils;

// set the private key of the block producer.
const defaultPrivateKey = 'e119487fea0658badc42f089fbaa56de23d8c0e8d999c5f76ac12ad8ae897d76';
const defaultPrivateKeyAddress = 'HEtBQStfqu53cHVC3PxJU6iGP3RGxiNUfQGvAPTjfrF3ZWH3U';

// load the wallet associated with your block producers account.
const wallet = Wallet.getWalletByPrivateKey(defaultPrivateKey);

// API link to the node
const aelf = new AElf(new AElf.providers.HttpProvider(''));

// names of the contracts that will be used.
const tokenContractName = 'AElf.ContractNames.Token';
const parliamentContractName = 'AElf.ContractNames.Parliament';
const crossChainContractName = 'AElf.ContractNames.CrossChain';


const createSideChain = async () => {
    // check the chain status to make sure the node is running
    const chainStatus = await aelf.chain.getChainStatus({sync: true});
    const genesisContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(chainStatus.GenesisContractAddress, wallet)
        .catch((err) => {

    // get the addresses of the contracts that we'll need to call
    const tokenContractAddress = await;
    const parliamentContractAddress = await;
    const crossChainContractAddress = await;

    // build the aelf-sdk contract instance objects
    const parliamentContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(parliamentContractAddress, wallet);
    const tokenContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(tokenContractAddress, wallet);
    const crossChainContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(crossChainContractAddress, wallet);


When running the script, the createSideChain will be executed and automatically will run through the full process of creating the side chain.

Creation of the side chain

Set the Allowance.

First the developer must approve some ELF tokens for use by the cross-chain contract.

var setAllowance = async function(tokenContract, crossChainContractAddress)
    // set some allowance to the cross-chain contract
    const approvalResult = await tokenContract.Approve({
        spender: crossChainContractAddress,
        amount: 20000

    let approveTransactionResult = await pollMining(approvalResult.TransactionId);

Creation request

In order to request a side chain creation the developer must call RequestSideChainCreation on the cross-chain contract, this will create a proposal with the Parliament contract. After calling this method, a ProposalCreated log will be created in which the ProposalId be found. This ID will enable the producers to approve it.

rpc RequestSideChainCreation(SideChainCreationRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty){}

message SideChainCreationRequest {
    // The cross chain indexing price.
    int64 indexing_price = 1;
    // Initial locked balance for a new side chain.
    int64 locked_token_amount = 2;
    // Creator privilege boolean flag: True if chain creator privilege preserved, otherwise false.
    bool is_privilege_preserved = 3;
    // Side chain token information.
    SideChainTokenCreationRequest side_chain_token_creation_request = 4;
    // A list of accounts and amounts that will be issued when the chain starts.
    repeated SideChainTokenInitialIssue side_chain_token_initial_issue_list = 5;
    // The initial rent resources.
    map<string, int32> initial_resource_amount = 6;

message SideChainTokenCreationRequest{
    // Token symbol of the side chain to be created
    string side_chain_token_symbol = 1;
    // Token name of the side chain to be created
    string side_chain_token_name = 2;
    // Token total supply of the side chain to be created
    int64 side_chain_token_total_supply = 3;
    // Token decimals of the side chain to be created
    int32 side_chain_token_decimals = 4;

message SideChainTokenInitialIssue{
    // The account that will be issued.
    aelf.Address address = 1;
    // The amount that will be issued.
    int64 amount = 2;

In order for the creation request to succeed, some assertions must pass:

  • the Sender can only have one pending request at any time.

  • the locked_token_amount cannot be lower than the indexing price.

  • if is_privilege_preserved is true, which means it requests exclusive side chain, the token initial issue list cannot be empty and all with an amount greater than 0.

  • if is_privilege_preserved is true, which means it requests exclusive side chain, the initial_resource_amount must contain all resource tokens of the chain and the value must be greater than 0.

  • the allowance approved to cross chain contract from the proposer (Sender of the transaction) cannot be lower than the locked_token_amount.

  • no need to provide data about side chain token if is_privilege_preserved is false, and side chain token won’t be created even you provide token info.

 const sideChainCreationRequestTx = await crossChainContract.RequestSideChainCreation({
    indexingPrice: 1,
    lockedTokenAmount: '20000',
    isPrivilegePreserved: true,
    sideChainTokenCreationRequest: {
        sideChainTokenDecimals: 8,
        sideChainTokenName: 'SCATokenName',
        sideChainTokenSymbol: 'SCA',
        sideChainTokenTotalSupply: '100000000000000000',
    sideChainTokenInitialIssueList: [
            address: '28Y8JA1i2cN6oHvdv7EraXJr9a1gY6D1PpJXw9QtRMRwKcBQMK',
            amount: '1000000000000000'
    initialResourceAmount: { CPU: 2, RAM: 4, DISK: 512, NET: 1024 },

 let sideChainCreationRequestTxResult = await pollMining(sideChainCreationRequestTx.TransactionId);

 // deserialize the log to get the proposal's ID.
 let deserializedLogs = parliamentContract.deserializeLog(sideChainCreationRequestTxResult.Logs, 'ProposalCreated');

The last line will print the proposal ID and this is what will be used for approving by the producers.

Approval from producers

This is where the parliament organization members approve the proposal:

var proposalApproveTx = await parliamentContract.Approve(deserializedLogs[0].proposalId);
await pollMining(proposalApproveTx.TransactionId);

Note: when calling Approve it will be the Sender of the transaction that approves. Here the script is set to use the key of one parliament organization member, see full script at the end.


This part of the script releases the proposal:

var releaseResult = await crossChainContract.ReleaseSideChainCreation({
    proposalId: deserializedLogs[0].proposalId

let releaseTxResult = await pollMining(releaseResult.TransactionId);

// Parse the logs to get the chain id.
let sideChainCreationEvent = crossChainContract.deserializeLog(releaseTxResult.Logs, 'SideChainCreatedEvent');

This is the last step involved in creating a side chain, after this the chain id of the new side chain is accessible in the SideChainCreatedEvent event log.

Full script

This section presents the full script. Remember that in order to run successfully, a node must be running, configured with one producer. The configured producer must match the defaultPrivateKey and defaultPrivateKeyAddress of the script.

Also, notice that this script by default tries to connect to the node’s API at the following address, if your node is listening on a different address you have to modify the address.

If you haven’t already installed it, you need the aelf-sdk:

npm install aelf-sdk

You can simply run the script from anywhere:

node sideChainProposal.js


const AElf = require('aelf-sdk');
const Wallet = AElf.wallet;

const { sha256 } = AElf.utils;

// set the private key of the block producer
const defaultPrivateKey = 'e119487fea0658badc42f089fbaa56de23d8c0e8d999c5f76ac12ad8ae897d76';
const defaultPrivateKeyAddress = 'HEtBQStfqu53cHVC3PxJU6iGP3RGxiNUfQGvAPTjfrF3ZWH3U';

const wallet = Wallet.getWalletByPrivateKey(defaultPrivateKey);

// link to the node
const aelf = new AElf(new AElf.providers.HttpProvider(''));

if (!aelf.isConnected()) {
    console.log('Could not connect to the node.');

const tokenContractName = 'AElf.ContractNames.Token';
const parliamentContractName = 'AElf.ContractNames.Parliament';
const crossChainContractName = 'AElf.ContractNames.CrossChain';

var pollMining = async function(transactionId) {
    console.log(`>> Waiting for ${transactionId} the transaction to be mined.`);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        const currentResult = await aelf.chain.getTxResult(transactionId);
        // console.log('transaction status: ' + currentResult.Status);

        if (currentResult.Status === 'MINED')
            return currentResult;

        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
            .catch(function () {
                console.log("Promise Rejected");

var setAllowance = async function(tokenContract, crossChainContractAddress)
    console.log('\n>>>> Setting allowance for the cross-chain contract.');

    // set some allowance to the cross-chain contract
    const approvalResult = await tokenContract.Approve({
        spender: crossChainContractAddress,
        amount: 20000

    await pollMining(approvalResult.TransactionId);

var checkAllowance = async function(tokenContract, owner, spender)
    console.log('\n>>>> Checking the cross-chain contract\'s allowance');

    const checkAllowanceTx = await{
        symbol: 'ELF',
        owner: owner,
        spender: spender

    console.log(`>> allowance to the cross-chain contract: ${checkAllowanceTx.allowance} ${checkAllowanceTx.symbol}`);

const createSideChain = async () => {

    // get the status of the chain in order to get the genesis contract address
    console.log('Starting side chain creation script\n');

    const chainStatus = await aelf.chain.getChainStatus({sync: true});
    const genesisContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(chainStatus.GenesisContractAddress, wallet)
        .catch((err) => {

    // get the addresses of the contracts that we'll need to call
    const tokenContractAddress = await;
    const parliamentContractAddress = await;
    const crossChainContractAddress = await;

    // build the aelf-sdk contract object
    const parliamentContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(parliamentContractAddress, wallet);
    const tokenContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(tokenContractAddress, wallet);
    const crossChainContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(crossChainContractAddress, wallet);

    // 1. set and check the allowance, spender is the cross-chain contract
    await setAllowance(tokenContract, crossChainContractAddress);
    await checkAllowance(tokenContract, defaultPrivateKeyAddress, crossChainContractAddress);

    // 2. request the creation of the side chain with the cross=chain contract
    console.log('\n>>>> Requesting the side chain creation.');
    const sideChainCreationRequestTx = await crossChainContract.RequestSideChainCreation({
        indexingPrice: 1,
        lockedTokenAmount: '20000',
        isPrivilegePreserved: true,
        sideChainTokenCreationRequest: {
            sideChainTokenDecimals: 8,
            sideChainTokenName: 'SCATokenName',
            sideChainTokenSymbol: 'SCA',
            sideChainTokenTotalSupply: '100000000000000000',
        sideChainTokenInitialIssueList: [
                address: '28Y8JA1i2cN6oHvdv7EraXJr9a1gY6D1PpJXw9QtRMRwKcBQMK',
                amount: '1000000000000000'
        initialResourceAmount: { CPU: 2, RAM: 4, DISK: 512, NET: 1024 },

    let sideChainCreationRequestTxResult = await pollMining(sideChainCreationRequestTx.TransactionId);

    // deserialize the log to get the proposal's ID.
    let deserializedLogs = parliamentContract.deserializeLog(sideChainCreationRequestTxResult.Logs, 'ProposalCreated');
    console.log(`>> side chain creation request proposal id ${JSON.stringify(deserializedLogs[0].proposalId)}`);

    // 3. Approve the proposal
    console.log('\n>>>> Approving the proposal.');

    var proposalApproveTx = await parliamentContract.Approve(deserializedLogs[0].proposalId);
    await pollMining(proposalApproveTx.TransactionId);

    // 3. Release the side chain
    console.log('\n>>>> Release the side chain.');

    var releaseResult = await crossChainContract.ReleaseSideChainCreation({
        proposalId: deserializedLogs[0].proposalId

    let releaseTxResult = await pollMining(releaseResult.TransactionId);

    // Parse the logs to get the chain id.
    let sideChainCreationEvent = crossChainContract.deserializeLog(releaseTxResult.Logs, 'SideChainCreatedEvent');
    console.log('Chain chain created : ');

createSideChain().then(() => {console.log('Done.')});